Actor Kangana Ranaut has spoken about her recent film Emergency not releasing in Punjab. Taking to Instagram on Monday, Kangana shared a video in which she also reacted to the protests taking place in Canada and Britain over her film. The video began with Kangana thanking the fans for the love they showed to Emergency.
The actor said, “You have given so much love and respect to our film. We don’t have words to express our gratitude for the love.” She continued, “Lekin mere dil mein abhi bhi kuch dard hai. Punjab. Industry mein aesa kaha jata tha ki Punjab mein meri filmein sabse acha perform karti hai. Aur aaj ek din hai jab Punjab mein meri film ko release tak nahi hone diya jaraha hai.”
She added, “Aese hi kuch humlein logo par woh Canada mein ya Britain mein bhi kiye jaraha hai. Kuch chote mote logo ne, kuch chuninda logo ne jo hai yeh aag lagayi huyi hai. Aur iss aag mein hum aur aap jal rahe hai.”