Singer turned actor Diljit Dosanjh’s highly anticipated New Year’s Eve concert in Ludhiana was marred by legal controversy following a complaint filed by Punditrao Dharenavar, an assistant professor from Chandigarh. The complaint references prior warnings issued to Diljit by various commissions, where he was advised against performing these controversial tracks.
Despite these advisories, the singer has allegedly continued to perform them with slight alterations to the lyrics. The complaint prompted the Deputy Director of the Women and Child Department, Government of Punjab, to issue a formal notice to Ludhiana’s District Commissioner, urging them to prevent the singer from performing certain songs during his live show on December 31, 2024.
The notice, which was addressed to the local authorities in Ludhiana, specifically calls for a ban on songs that have been accused of promoting alcohol, such as Patiala Pegg, 5 Tara Theke and Case (Jeeb Vicho Feem Labbiya) even if modified with altered lyrics.
Panditrao Dharenavar, who filed the complaint, expressed strong concerns over the impact of such songs, particularly on young audiences, especially when underage children are in the audience. Further complicating the situation, Dharenavar cited a ruling from the Punjab and Haryana High Court, which in 2019 directed the police to ensure that no songs promoting alcohol, drugs, or violence are played at public events, including live concerts.
According to the court’s decision, songs that glorify substances like alcohol or drugs have a detrimental impact on impressionable children. Panditrao has also made it clear that he is prepared to escalate the matter to the Punjab and Haryana High Court if the concert proceeds with these tracks.
He further criticised Diljit for performing such songs while wearing a pagadi, a traditional headgear that he believes should not be associated with promoting negative values.