In a recent interview, former cricketer Yograj Singh, father of cricket legend Yuvraj Singh, shared a startling revelation about Kapil Dev. Yograj confessed that after being dropped from the Indian team, he once went to Kapil’s house with a pistol, intending to take his life. “WhenKapil Dev became the captain of India, North Zone, and Haryana, he dropped me for no reason,”
Yograj said. “My wife asked me to confront him, but I decided to teach him a lesson instead. I took my pistol and went to Kapil’s house in Sector 9. He came out with his mother. That’s when I stopped.”
Yograj’s anger stemmed from what he believed was an unfair exclusion, allegedly orchestrated by Kapil Dev and other influential figures in cricket. He recounted confronting Kapil outside his house, saying, “I abused him a dozen times and told him, ‘Because of you, I’ve lost everything.” I want to put a bullet through your head, but I won’t do it because your pious mother is standing here.’ Then I left.”
After India’s 2011 ODI World Cup victory, where Yuvraj Singh played a key role, Yograj Singh took a dig at Kapil Dev. He remarked, “In 2011, when India won the World Cup, the only man crying was Kapil Dev. I sent him a paper cutting saying, ‘My son did better than you in the World Cup.’”
Kapil Dev’s Reaction to Yograj Singh’s Comments
When reporters and paparazzi asked Kapil Dev about Yograj Singh’s remarks, the former India captain appeared unfazed. He responded, “Kaun hai? Kiski baat kar rahe ho?” When informed that it was Yuvraj Singh’s father, Yograj, who made the statement, Kapil Dev casually replied, “Acha, aur kuch?”